How To Know If Your Motherboard Needs To Be Replaced.

Our motherboard is the main part of our computer. All parts are connected on this unit like the Video card, Mouse, Keyboard, Harddisk, Memory, Power supply, DVD-ROM, etc. There are problems that we might encountered if we have a defective motherboard like blackout, date rollback to manufactured date during start-up and computer sometimes won't start. Blackout trouble is the most easiest to detect. Roll back date can be fix easily by replacing only the cmos battery. The intermittent problem like computer won't start this error occasionally misinterpreted as defective memory. 

Other tech usually remove the memory and clean it with eraser then install it back. This power-up problem will be solve this time, but sooner this error will reoccur again. If this things happened many times, motherboard won't start I think this is the time when you are going to replace your motherboard but make it sure that you test the board with good memory before you  act on changing it. If you are working as a technician, you can change the memory but if you are not sure that changing the memory will work you might be criticize of your action. Much better if you recommend changing the motherboard if the problem always reoccur.

Below is my old motherboard.


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