Terms & Conditions

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using this website service, application and whatsoever in relation from Barkingmode.

These terms and condition apply to all visitors, users and others who access the blog or website.

By accessing the website by your browser you agreed to the following terms and conditions. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access the Service or Website.

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The author/blog owner will not oblige of any damages or moral damages. The Author, Owner, Google, Blogger or any affiliated website is not liable to any damages from following, performing, preparing, or whatsoever in any tutorials or tasks or while navigating in this website/blog or to its third party affiliates or partner.

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All post or information in this website/blog are not guaranteed 100% accurate. Post may contains one or more mistake/error in terms of language, data, information, statistics, dates, time, procedure, and may contain misleading information.

IV. Harmful/Dangerous Contents

Posts may contain dangerous tutorials that only knowledgeable person is allowed to perform the tutorials in some posts. You understand that some tasks may cause harm to you, to your device, computer, and equipment if you are not careful and less knowledgeable. Performing or following any tutorial is at your own risk.

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VII. You and Your Skills

You must be 18 years of age to perform any tutorials regarding hardware repair. You understand that hardware repair may require technical skills and may harm you while performing any of tasks or tutorials. You are capable of performing hardware repair task. You will not blame or make any legal actions if you failed and may cause damage to you, to anyone, to your device(s), computer(s), equipment, etc.

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The terms and conditions of disclaimer might changed without prior noticed from the author. You are advised to visit this page regularly to check for changes in this Terms & Conditions of this website/blog.

Document last modified: Mar. 23, 2020.


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