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Simple Site Policy

If you want to follow step and procedure on "how to" on this site, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

The author, site owner, or or any site associated here will not be held liable to any error or damage to your unit or system while following instructions or steps in any post on this website due to incompetent, your mistake, lack of understanding on the procedure, unexpected electronic failure, bug in programs or in system.

All steps or procedures here are not 100% will work. So, if you do not understand the effect or unsure of the outcome of what you are reading or following on this site you are not allowed to use the site or follow any tutorials. You may only continue reading to have an idea on "how to" or to acquire knowledge on some topic available here. You should not use this site or any post as an alibi for your mistake or failure while following its procedure and steps.

If you are an average or typical computer user this site might be useful to you but be cautious of what you will follow on some instructions. Please do not try anything from any post if you do not want any risk. Some post here can be harmful and requires technical knowledge. Technical skills require risky task to be successfully done. This site is intended to above average computer user who wants to learn something about technical issues. And, also for those users who are knowledgeable in computer hardware and windows operating system or other operating systems. Without the knowledge, you might find some instructions difficult for you. Not all procedure and steps here will work for you, troubleshooting needs proving on what process will work. This means that trial and error is necessary to succeed.

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This document was updated: June 22, 2019


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