
Showing posts from July, 2015

How To Know If Your Computer Memory Is Failing During Installation Of Windows Operating System

If you are always installing windows operating system you might already encountered this problem. If your computer is a newly assembled you seldom encountered this kind of error. This only occur if you are installing windows on an old computer. In most cases this error appears when windows setup is copying files from DVD installer or from USB Installer. It usually ask you to find the location of your installation files. You might be confused that this error was from a defective harddisk. But if you are sure that your harddisk do not have bad sector then suspect your memory to be the source of the problem. And also these error sometimes related to bad Windows Installer. So try to acquire a known good DVD or USB installer from a good source. Before you continue, please read the  site policy . If you have already read this policy, continue reading this post. Step 1. Problem or error sign Windows is asking for the location of your windows installer files during its f

Simple Site Policy

Simple Site Policy If you want to follow step and procedure on "how to" on this site, you agree to the following terms and conditions. The author, site owner, or or any site associated here will not be held liable to any error or damage to your unit or system while following instructions or steps in any post on this website due to incompetent, your mistake, lack of understanding on the procedure, unexpected electronic failure, bug in programs or in system. All steps or procedures here are not 100% will work. So, if you do not understand the effect or unsure of the outcome of what you are reading or following on this site you are not allowed to use the site or follow any tutorials. You may only continue reading to have an idea on "how to" or to acquire knowledge on some topic available here. You should not use this site or any post as an alibi for your mistake or failure while following its procedure and steps. If

How To Know If An External Videocard Has A Problem

Most users cannot determine what is the problem of their computer if there is no display on the screen and always call for technical support of the vendor if their computer is still under warranty. But this topic give you an idea on how to know if your external video card has a problem. All motherboards today are manufactured with built-in video card that sometimes this video card is more powerful than its external video card. Latest motherboards has a high end built-in video card that within six months to one year external video cards are no match to this latest motherboard built-ins. Every six months or less companies are employing high end chipsets to their latest motherboard models thus making it advance to its competitors. Sometimes most game fanatic users add another speed up to their computer, the external video card. But some video card sometimes fail that causes our computer to blackout.  So how do we know if our computer is still working and the problem is on our exte

A Burning Screwdriver Logo

Uploaded a burning screwdriver Logo... This is a start Logo for this site and will be change in the future. This site will serve as a logbook of repaired PC's, Laptops, Printers, Power Supplies and "How to" Tutorials.