How To Know If Your Computer Memory Is Failing During Installation Of Windows Operating System

If you are always installing windows operating system you might already encountered this problem. If your computer is a newly assembled you seldom encountered this kind of error. This only occur if you are installing windows on an old computer. In most cases this error appears when windows setup is copying files from DVD installer or from USB Installer. It usually ask you to find the location of your installation files. You might be confused that this error was from a defective harddisk. But if you are sure that your harddisk do not have bad sector then suspect your memory to be the source of the problem. And also these error sometimes related to bad Windows Installer. So try to acquire a known good DVD or USB installer from a good source.

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Step 1.

Problem or error sign

Windows is asking for the location of your windows installer files during its file copying process.

Step 2.

Steps to do to identify this problem.

Check if your DVD or USB Installer is working properly or it is from a known good source.

Check if your Harddisk do not have any bad sector. If your harddisk is brand new, then the problem is most likely not associated in your harddisk.

Goto next step.

Step 3.

How to resolve this memory issue.

Clean the memory pins with eraser. (If Still not working try different memory module).


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