How To Know If An External Videocard Has A Problem

Most users cannot determine what is the problem of their computer if there is no display on the screen and always call for technical support of the vendor if their computer is still under warranty. But this topic give you an idea on how to know if your external video card has a problem.

All motherboards today are manufactured with built-in video card that sometimes this video card is more powerful than its external video card. Latest motherboards has a high end built-in video card that within six months to one year external video cards are no match to this latest motherboard built-ins. Every six months or less companies are employing high end chipsets to their latest motherboard models thus making it advance to its competitors.

Sometimes most game fanatic users add another speed up to their computer, the external video card. But some video card sometimes fail that causes our computer to blackout. 

So how do we know if our computer is still working and the problem is on our external video card only?

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The following are the steps to test your computer for defective external video card.

Step 1..

You have to turn your computer on.

Step 2..

Watch out for beeps from your computer..

Step 3..

Listen to Windows welcome sound from your speakers that connects to your computer.

Step 4..

If step 2 and step 3 are not possible because your speakers are not connected or built-in speaker on motherboard is not installed. Check if Num Lock or Caps Lock is working. If you see that led turns on and off when you press these buttons means to say that your computer is responding to commands.

This means that your external video card is loose or defective or you have connected the monitor cable to the built-in video card. 

I have here a sample of PCI-Express video card (external video card)

Possible solution of defective external video card.

In old days motherboards don't have built in video card but these days all motherboards employs high end video cards. Built-in GPU in motherboards have evolved to powerful gaming platform. But this built-in still cannot overpower new external video cards. This powerful external video cards are also improved to provide best gaming experience but this will cost more than low end motherboard. Therefore, if all new motherboards have built-in video card, we can still continue to use our computer. Yes, by pulling out the external video card on our desktop computer. Our computer will still work but not powerful as it was.If you are only using your computer for typing it will still work 100 percent stable but not for gaming. Most games require powerful GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) which are found in external video cards. Also by removing external video card your built in video will share physical memory of your computer. This shared memory size will depend on the capacity of installed physical memory of your computer. So, speed will reduce greatly  if you remove the external video card but computer will still work.


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