How To Determine Defective Power Supply If Not Dead Set.

Hi everyone! Today's topic is about power supply again. I am going to tackle about this power supply problem because I want to share this knowledge I acquire from my experienced in repairing desktop computers.

List of Power Supply Problems

* Black Out or Dead Set.
* Blown Power Supply Unit.
* Power Supply Shuts Down After Few Seconds.
* Noisy Power Supply.
* Intermittent - Sometimes runs smoothly but most of the time cpu won't power up.

* Black Out or Dead Set *

This problem is the easiest to detect of all power supply problem.

* Blown Power Supply Unit *

This problem also is the same as black - out or dead set. Power supply does not produce any power because the fuse and other parts were blown. No current or voltage is passing in fuse. You could smell the burned parts from the back of the power supply. This problem in power supply could be repaired but you have to change many parts to reuse the power supply again.

* Power Supply Shuts Down After Few Seconds*   

This trouble is sometimes difficult to detect. You could suspect other parts like defective cpu fan, motherboard or your memory.

You can also check my previous post:

How To Repair Your Computer That Turns Off After A Few Seconds

* Noisy Power Supply *

Noisy power supply usually associated with defective power supply fan but sometimes it is related to low voltage power supply. But most problems like this are all noisy fan in your power supply. So, check if the power supply fan is not stuck, and that you can rotate it freely.

Easily you can replace the fan if you don't want to put lubricating oil on it.

* Intermittent * - Sometimes runs smoothly but most of the time cpu won't power up.

This problem is really difficult to detect like the problem of "Power Supply That Turns Off After Few Seconds". In this problem you have to be really keen observant about the behavior of your computer.

So, How To Determine That This Problem Is In Our Power Supply Unit?

Simple, If you feel that your power supply is defective, try to have a testing power supply unit to ensure that power supply is not causing the problem or your motherboard.

One thing that you should do and remember always runs the cpu unit for couple of days or few days. This really assures you that your diagnosis is correct and will not have any problem in the future. That you will have no back jobs in the future or headache if you diagnose a wrong defective part.

Note: For this problem you will need always a known good power supply or a new one for testing. 

Did I answer the question? "How To Determine Defective Power Supply If Not Dead Set?"

Best of luck to your chosen career....

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