4 Most Common Mouse Problems.

      The most common mouse problems and where to look for these problems. If you are using PS2 or USB mouse the most common problems are both the same. They are usually related  to wire, but not all. Most people are throwing their defective mouse in two reason; one, they don't have time to spare to look for reasons why their mouse is not working properly. Two; they don't know how to fix their defective mouse.

How to detect defective mouse?

I know that most of us know how to identify defective mouse but not everyone. I have many encounters that the owner of the computer doesn't know what's wrong with their computer because the mouse is not working. In most cases if a mouse is not working we always conclude that the problem is the mouse itself but not most of the time. We should also consider that maybe the mouse is not the problem. First thing you should do is to transfer the mouse to a different usb port if you are using USB mouse. But, what if? you are using an old mouse that uses PS2 port. How do we know if the PS2 mouse is defective? There are things that we can use to prove that the PS2 mouse is defective.

1. Turn the mouse upside down, check if the infrared light is working. Infrared light is always on in a good mouse. If the light is working then bend the wire side to side, from left to right, back and forth. If the infrared light flicker then the problem is in the mouse itself not in your CPU or Desktop.

Which part of wire to bend in your mouse? See illustration below.

2. If you have a good spare mouse then perhaps you can replace it to see if the new or good one is working properly in the same port. Then you will have an idea if your suspected mouse is okay.

3. Try a different usb port, this is to test if your suspected mouse will work properly in a different port. We should always test our suspected mouse in a different port in order to prove that the original port is not loose or damage.

List of Mouse Problem

1. Defective wire.

Defective wire is the most common of all problem in mouse.This problem is not that hard to repair. 
Please, see how to repair USB or PS2 mouse.

2. Dirty infrared sensor.

Dirty infrared sensor, this problem usually occur when foreign object obstruct the hole of infrared sensor. The problem will make your mouse pointer move uneven or stuck. But other problem like this are mostly man made, most gamer in internet cafe do this to reserve sit for themselves or act of making fun of others. They use ticket or  receipt to block the sensor, in this trick the mouse pointer will not move even you change different usb port.

3. Defective mouse button.

In gaming business defective mouse button is a common problem. Most of the time after few months of use, mouse already have a defective button. This problem usually comes with broken switch or plastic button contact of your switch.

4. Loose or broken circuit board connection.

A broken circuit board connection is another problem that gaming business going through in most of their mouse. You can find broken circuit connection near the mouse button. This problem cause by rapid clicks pressure during gaming session. Most online and network games require the use of multiple clicks to win the game. This happened even if you have a good or high quality mouse. This problem is very common in gaming business.

We can always repair and reuse our old mouse in order to reduce cost of purchasing high quality mouse.  This can only be done if we have the knowledge of most mouse problems, where to look for, and how to repair them. IC defective mouse is I think the only problem that needs mouse replacement. Replacing mouse every time will be a disaster for your gaming business. You don't to buy new mouse every time you have defective mouse because you will definitely loss your profit in the long run. So, I think it will be still best to repair the old mouse for awhile rather than buying for a new one.

If you have any comments or suggestions please write them below or you can send it using contact tab section.


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