How To Identify Problem Associated With Loose CPU Fan?

I don't know if you have the same problem like this. This trouble is not that hard to identify. This problem more often found in Intel desktop computers. Another brand like AMD does not have this problem. AMD CPU fan locks are easy to install unlike Intel processors. Intel processor CPU fan comes with 4 locks that usually made of plastic. This plastic might be broken if you are not careful while inserting it on its hole.

I think you already have an idea of what happened if you have this trouble. This problem is cause by wrong insertion of plastic locks of CPU fan. The reckless or improper installation of these locks could damage the CPU fan or worst it might burned your processor. You can't buy these plastic easily because there is no available replacement for this lock. You can only buy a whole CPU fan but not this plastic locks. So, if you are new on your job always be careful while inserting these locks on its hole.

See illustration below. This illustrate where you can find the plastic locks in Intel CPU fan.

This problem could occur in a newly assembled Intel desktop computer or a newly cleaned CPU unit. Most new technician could stumble on this problem if they are not careful installing the CPU fan. So, if you are a new Tech or IT double check everything from hard disk, processor, power supply, memory, video card, motherboard if they were installed properly.

How do we know if a problem is associated with loose CPU Fan?

During boot up if your computer turns off after more or less 10 seconds. The computer turns of instantly or less than 10 seconds. Others reached up to 5-10 minutes depending on the motherboard. If the motherboard is configured in the BIOS to reach a high temperate shutdown setting it could reach more than 10 minutes. Also, motherboard could reach a high temperature if only one plastic lock is missing. Intel processor could resist hot temperature or even sometimes without CPU fan. But don't try to turn on your computer without CPU fan it could still burn your processor and that would be a disaster if you have an Intel i7 processor.

Next time if you encountered this problem that computer turns off after 10 seconds or more. Then you have an idea of what to check or to where look for.

How To Repair Broken Plastic Locks in Intel CPU Fan?

If you have another or old CPU fan with broken plastic locks but still there is available locks to salvage. Then, that's perfect! If you can recover the usable plastic locks from it. Just remove the broken ones and replace it with locks salvaged from your old CPU fan.

Ways to check if your CPU fan is not working properly.

1.) In BIOS System - You can see that your CPU temperature is high or going up.
2.) In Windows - If the CPU fan is misaligned, not working or not installed properly. Using speedfan software you can see that your system is overheating.
3.) Visually check or move the CPU fan slowly upward to see if it is mounted correctly.                     

How to get to the BIOS system?

During power on, immediately press the Del. button or F1 or F2 or F10, for old computers bios setup keys are Ctrl + EscF12 or F11. But mostly Del. button is used in new Desktop Computers and F1 or F2 for branded computer or laptops were commonly used buttons for Bios setup.


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